Man, if I continue writing like that, my next post will be in October 2015. I certainly hope that blogs will still be around at that time. Anyway ...
What came to my mind these days, could turn out to be a promising idea. I was been working on an alpha prototype for my Rapid Prototyping in Game Development course, when I thought how much better it would be if we could create game prototypes using markup code - just like we create Flex or WPF apps. Imagine how much cleaner and comprehensible it would be for not-so-much-in-dev guys: designers, creative people, etc.
Instead of writing tons of declarations on the C# (or whatever language is used) side, one could declare a scene using xml structures.The code will have all the advantages of MXML/XAML such as event bubbling, code nesting, binding, etc.
Two possible solutions come to mind:
1. Integrating XNA with WPF
2. Integrating Papervision3D with FLEX
I guess that integrating PV3D with FLEX will be much easier to integarte.